Your PTA Board
Your 2024-25 PTA Board
Dawn Miskell - President
Amy Leatherman Cowell - Vice President
Tammy Fisher - Treasurer
Melissa Birdsong - Secretary
Teacher Representatives -
Melissa Johnson and Dan Long

Event Chairs:
Hospitality Committee - Tammy Fisher & Wendi Longo
Walk to School Day - Dan Cowell
Run for Education - Krystal Rafferty
Trunk or Treat - Megan Heinrich
Holiday Gift Shop - Allison Lanham
Dudes 'N Donuts - Chrissy DeMeulenaere
Divas 'N Donuts - Dan Cowell
School Play - Melissa Frieder, Sara Wagner & Sarah Funkhouser
Yearbook - Dawn Miskell & Bree Schwartz
5th Grade Reception - Dana Sharpe & Chrissy DeMeulenaere
PTA Photographers - Dawn Miskell
Website - Bree Schwartz
Our Mission

To promote a positive learning experience for all children at MYES. To support parents with the challenges of raising and protecting their children. To encourage parent and community involvement in the school and the PTA.
PTA Meetings
PTA Meetings are held every month on Thursdays at 6pm in the school media center. Meeting dates for 2023 are:
August 16, 2023
September 7, 2023
October 5, 2023
November 2, 2023
December 7, 2023
All are welcome, but only members have voting rights.